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JLC3DP Balance Activation and Top-Up Guide

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JLC3DP Balance Activation and Top-Up Guide

Notification:JLC3DP shares the same shopping cart and payment system with JLCPCB.

1 Activate JLC3DP(JLCPCB) Balance: Locate "JLCPCB Balance" in your account and click "Activate Now."

2 Verification Process: Send a verification email and follow the instructions in the received email to complete the verification process.

3 Verify Your Account: Click the link provided in the verification email to confirm your account.

4 Set Payment Password: Once verified, set a secure payment password known only to you.

5 Return to JLCPCB Balance Account: After activation, return to your JLCPCB Balance account.

6 Top-Up Your Account: Select your country and click "Top-up" in your JLCPCB Balance account to add funds.

Important Notes Before Transferring Money: Please read the following notes before proceeding with the transfer:

1. The minimum top-up amount is $150

2. Bank transfers below $150 are subject to a $15 service charge.The final recharge value is subject to deductions (service charge or bank transaction fee).

3. Transaction fees vary between $15 and $40, depending on the country and bank.

4. Bank Transfer Process: After reading the notes, submit a Top-up Application following a bank transfer. Note that our system currently does not support withdrawals. Contact support for withdrawal, and any additional fees will be borne by you.

Avoid using the following banks for transfers: (List of banks)

Transfer money to our bank account with the provided information.

Submit Application and Await Approval: Fill in your bank details, top-up amount, attach the receipt file, and click "Submit." Wait for JLCPCB review and approval. Once approved, your funds will reflect in JLCPCB Balance.

Note: The top-up amount may be less due to transaction fees deducted by the bank.

Use JLCPCB Balance for Payment: Once your account is funded, you can use JLCPCB Balance for payments, available for both "Review Before Payment" and "Pay Directly." Enter your payment password for authentication.

Note: For "Review Before Payment," choosing "proceed to production once approved" deducts the order amount directly from your JLCPCB Balance.

Payment Record and Refunds: Access your JLCPCB Balance payment record. In case of order cancellation, the funds will be returned to your JLCPCB Balance account.

Feel free to contact our support team for any assistance or clarification throughout the process.

Thank you for choosing JLC3DP.

最終更新日: Dec 02,2023