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XDFN-4 support on economic PCB ?

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XDFN-4 support on economic PCB ?


2023-01-08 15:07 PM

I want to use the the LDO NCP167BMX330TBG with the packaging XDFN-4-EP.

This footprint seems to need other clearance settings (for KiCad6) for pad distance: <0,254mm

Is this package support for assembly by you as well ?

The rest of the board fulfills the economic PCB clearance...

How to handle this ?


2023-02-14 18:20 PM

JLC assembly service supports all compoment was listed on our library ( ) as you know, there are hundreds of thousands of PCBA orders for NCP167BMX330TBG every month without issue.

In a words, we suggest customer make layout according to datasheet and freely contact us to elimitate issue if has.
