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What are the differences between resin 3D prints with and without surface treatment?

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What are the differences between resin 3D prints with and without surface treatment?

Surface treatment refers to the additional steps taken to enhance the appearance and properties of resin-printed objects after they have been fabricated. Common surface treatment methods include sanding, polishing, coating, and painting. Untreated resin printing does not require any additional post-processing steps to improve surface quality.

Advantages of Surface Treatment

Improved Aesthetic Appeal: One of the primary benefits of surface treatment is the enhancement of the visual appeal of resin prints. Sanding and polishing can remove layer lines and imperfections, resulting in a smooth and glossy surface finish that closely resembles the desired final product.

Enhanced Mechanical Properties: Surface treatments such as coating or painting can add a protective layer to the surface of the print, improving its durability and resistance to wear and tear. Additionally, certain coatings can provide added strength and structural integrity to the object.

Customization Options: Surface treatment opens up a wide range of customization possibilities. Painting, for example, allows for the application of intricate designs, colors, and textures to resin prints, making them more visually appealing and suitable for specific applications.

Advantages of Untreated Resin Printing

Simplicity and Cost-Effectiveness: Untreated resin printing requires minimal post-processing, making it a simpler and more cost-effective option compared to surface treatment methods. This can be advantageous for rapid prototyping or when a high level of surface finish is not necessary.

Faster Turnaround Times: With no need for additional post-processing steps, untreated resin prints can be produced more quickly, leading to faster turnaround times for prototyping or production purposes.


Both surface-treated and untreated resin printing have their own sets of advantages and are suitable for different applications depending on the desired outcome and requirements of the project. Surface treatment offers superior aesthetic quality and enhanced mechanical properties but comes with additional time and cost considerations. On the other hand, untreated resin printing provides a more straightforward and cost-effective solution, ideal for rapid prototyping and applications where surface finish may not be a critical factor. Ultimately, the choice between the two approaches depends on the specific needs of the project and the desired balance between quality, cost, and time.  

Last updated on Jul 22,2024