Will I get all leftover parts from the PCBA assembly?
Will I get all leftover parts from the PCBA assembly?
2023-02-03 17:52 PM
Dear Sir,
Does after production leftover assembly parts, including the preorder parts, will be sent to us?
2023-02-06 15:00 PM
Thanks for asking, generally speaking, there is barely leftover compoments after assembly production process due to attrition as statements on webiste.
Besides, the preorder or global sourcing compoments will be used for customer's PCBA order only per policy as follows, there is no storagecost or limitation for compoment order on JLC side as you may recognized, and we do suggest customer could place continuous PCBA orders to use their components.
Our original intention is to hope that users can have more energy to complete their projects ect., and JLC is focusing on manufacturing to improve the efficiency of the entire process.
Thank you!