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How to install a part A on a part B

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How to install a part A on a part B


2023-06-02 16:12 PM

Hello, I am wondering how to include a stack of components like: a pin socket, pin header, microcontroller Or a simpler example DIP socket, and DIP IC


2023-06-02 18:35 PM

First, please note that we only do assembly,  and will not send the parts separately. But installing such an IC (part A) on a DIP socket (part B) is accepted.

2nd, please make both parts A and B in the BOM and CPL.

The coordinate of B in the CPL is normal. Then please add one more coordinate for A, which should be more than 0.2mm spacing from A. In this way, will  make both A and B selected.

3rd,  then please submit the order with a note " need to put the B part on the A part "

Please note it will be the 2nd process, and there will be some extra costs due munal assembly.
